Please do not come into the studio if you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or even the common cold.
Each person coming into the studio must sign in. Before signing in each person is to apply hand sanitizer to their hands.
All staff and employees are asked to use hand sanitizer and/or wash their hands upon entering and exiting the studio.
Any communal tools are to be cleaned in a disinfecting water solution upon use (rinse buckets).
The studio will be sprayed down with disinfectant in the morning & once we’ve closed at night.
Please be courteous to fellow artisans and staff by following all studio maintenance protocols with equipment, tools, wheels and the general studio space.
Please clean your working space thoroughly. This includes tables, wheels, tools and glazing area.
Follow all the steps & instructions when glazing your pieces. Mistakes have consequences that can cause costly damage to equipment. Any work not following the “protocols of glazing” will be set aside until corrected.
Accidents happen! Breaking someone’s hard earned pottery is not good. So, please do not handle another person’s clay pieces. If a clay work is in the wrong space ask a staff member to move it. If you accidently break another’s work…inform the staff right away. (Cecere can fix almost any broken piece…if caught in time.)